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                                   Discussion about AI


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the ability to automate complex decision-making processes and mimic human thought processes and senses (Likens, 2022). In recent news, the use of AI in universities has gained attention with the launch of ChatGPT, a free and user-friendly AI search tool (Lonas, 2023). This tool quickly gained popularity as users can simply type in a question and receive an easy-to-understand answer in the form of text. Unlike traditional search engines like Google, ChatGPT also offers conversational responses, providing a more human-like interaction. With increased usage, ChatGPT becomes more intelligent by collecting a larger sample of data.


However, the widespread adoption of AI technology such as ChatGPT has both positive and negative impacts on education. Many students in universities have welcomed the tool, using it to complete assignments given by their teachers. However, ChatGPT's ability to provide different responses to the same question makes it difficult for teachers to determine if a student has used the tool to write a paper. This could lead to a loss of critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.


On the other hand, AI can also improve the teaching and learning process. For instance, a professor could use AI to generate exams on microeconomics, or a marketing professional could quickly obtain a marketing plan. The rapid development of AI technology is likely to replace some human jobs. While AI provides convenience and efficiency, it is crucial to recognize the potential loss of human skills, such as creativity and critical thinking.


AI is a double-edged sword that can both bring benefits and pose challenges to society. On the one hand, AI can automate complex decision-making tasks, freeing up time and energy for people to focus on other important tasks. ChatGPT is a perfect example of this, as it allows users to easily get answers to their questions in a human-like way. On the other hand, the increasing reliance on AI can lead to a decline in critical thinking and creativity, as people become too reliant on the technology to solve problems and make decisions. As AI continues to evolve and penetrate every aspect of society, it is important for individuals and institutions to carefully consider the implications and find a balance between utilizing its benefits and preserving our human skills.


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